Community-Based Training Program

This refers to the training programs that are specifically designed to answer the needs of the barangays. The training programs being conducted are basic capability building courses that aim to enhance the citizens productivity thru productive livelihood endeavors and self-employment. The target beneficiaries include the poor and under privileged residents such as out of school youth, women, and unemployed adults; marginalized groups (subsistence farm workers, fisher folks), indigenous people, and even the members of the informal sector.

Community-based training programs (CBT) utilizes the convergence approach in its implementation. Its is carried out in partnership with local government units, non-government groups, civic, religious, and people’s organizations, politicians, and other national government agencies.

TESDA provides technical assistance in CBT. it provides the standard training module/s and related equipment, supplies and materials; recommends qualified trainer/s; approves fitness of training venue; co-sign the training certificates; conduct competency assessment and certification, conduct monitoring and evaluation; and if possible, facilitate the provision of starter tool kits to graduates.